Sharp Wedge Tutorial#

This page provides a simple example to get started with HyperVehicle. It will cover how to construct the sharp wedge shown below.

See also

The geometry developed in this example is also used in the sensitivity tutorial.



Its a good idea to start a new geometry with an idea of the parameters which will define it. For a simple geometry such as this, the wingspan, chord length and thickness are the obvious choices.

# Define geometry parameters
wingspan = 1
chord = 1
thickness = 0.1

Swept Component#

Since this geometry has a uniform cross-section, using a swept component is ideal.

# Create vehicle object
wedge = Vehicle()
wedge.configure(name="Wedge", verbosity=1)

# Define wedge cross-section points
#                   ^ +y
#                   |
#            W    _ - _   N        ___
#            _ -    |   - _         |
#  +x <--- < -------------- >       | thickness
#            - _    |   _ -         |
#            S   -  _ -     E      ___
#          |-----------------|
#                wingspan

NW = Vector3(x=0, y=0.5 * self.thicknes)
NE = Vector3(
    x=-0.5 * self.chord,
SE = Vector3(x=0, y=-0.5 * self.thicknes)
SW = Vector3(x=0.5 * self.chord, y=0)

# Define patches forming wedge
sections = []
for i in [-1, 1]:
    z_loc = 0.5 * i * self.wingspan
    axial_shift = Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=z_loc)

    N = Line(p0=NW + axial_shift, p1=NE + axial_shift)
    S = Line(p0=SW + axial_shift, p1=SE + axial_shift)
    E = Line(p0=SE + axial_shift, p1=NE + axial_shift)
    W = Line(p0=SW + axial_shift, p1=NW + axial_shift)

    patch = CoonsPatch(north=N, south=S, east=E, west=W)

fuselage = Fuselage(

# Generate