Overview of HyperVehicle#

The HyperVehicle package employs a component build up approach. Using the core component types, a wide range of geometries can be constructed. While there is an upfront cost associated with constructing a good parametric model, the generalised nature of HyperVehicle allows you to programmatically define relationships between geometric components.

The HyperVehicle Workflow#

Before diving into the component definitions, this section provides an overview of the HyperVehicle workflow, and how vehicle geometries are created.

A geometry is constructed by combining a collection of components together. Each component type of hypervehicle inherits from the Component class.

Once the components of a geometry are defined, they can be added to an instance of the Vehicle class, which acts as a container for multiple Components. Components can be added to a Vehicle object using the Vehicle.add_component() method. The Vehicle object offers many useful features and methods, allowing you to name a vehicle, name individual components, apply transformations, estimate the vehicle’s inertial properties, and more.