Vehicle Specific Component Types#

The following section describes the component types defined for helping specifically with vehicle geometries.

Wing Components#

For constructing wings, the Wing component function is available. A wing component is constructed by first defining the planform according to the points defined in the schematic below.

Wing planform

Next, thickness is added to the wing using user-defined thickness functions. These function can be as simple as providing a constant thickness, or as complex as providing 3-dimensionally varying thickness.

Wing thickness functions

A trailing-edge flap can easily be added to a wing component by defining the flap length and flap type. The flap angle can also be provided to deflect the flap.

Wing flap

Fin Components#

Another helper component is the Fin. Fin components are very similar to wing components, but offer a few convenient options to assist in positioning. As with a wing, a fin is first defined by its planform according to the points shown below.

Fin planform definition

A rudder can also be added to the trailing-edge of a fin, producing something like that shown below.

Rudder length

To assist in fin positioning, the fin angle argument can be used to specify the angle of the fin, as rotated about the vehicles longitudinal (x) axis.

Fin angle

The pivot angle of the fin can also be controlled using the pivot angle argument. The pivot point can also be specified.

Fin pivot angle