Generic Component Types#

The following page documents the generic component types of HyperVehicle. These are not vehicle-specific. Note that an example script is provided for each component type in the HyperVehicle examples directory.

Revolved Component#


Revolved geometries can be constructed using the RevolvedComponent. This component is defined by the line to be revolved, as shown in the example below.


Swept Component#


Swept geometries can be constructed using a SweptComponent type. This component requires a series of cross-sectional patches to be defined. These cross-sections then get swept through the sweep axis, to form a geometry such as that shown below.

swept component

Cube Component#


A cube can be constructed via the Cube class. It only requires the cube side length to be provided. The cente of the cube can also be specified.

cube component

Sphere Component#


A sphere can be constructed using the Sphere class. Like the cube, it only requires a radius to be defined. The cente of the sphere can also be specified.

sphere component

Composite Component#

In some advanced instances, you may wish to combine the patches of various components into a single component. Or, you may have defined your own patch types. For this purpose, the CompositeComponent class is available. This class allows a user to stack individual Component objects to form a composite, which can then be added to the Vehicle, for example.